Sunday, January 24, 2010

Televised Mediocrity

To paraphrase Allen Ginsberg: I've seen the best televised entertainment of my generation destroyed by mediocrity.....

I apologize for the somewhat bitter tone in this post, but it seems to me that whenever a good show comes on with any fantasy or scifi elements, a show which happens to be good and go beyond genre cliches to become something truly original, it's only a matter of time before it disappears into the lack hole of cancellation . You see, last night the final episode of Kings was on NBC. For those of you who don't know what that is (and judging from the ratings that most people out there) Kings was a show that put the story of Kings David into a modern context.

It was a good show with an awesome cast, and it disappeared faster than a snowball on a sunny day. Same thing happened with Firefly and Moonlight, two other shows which had the same quality of being really, really cool. (Looks like Chuck dodged the bullet, it'll be back next far anyway.)

So I ask...why is it that the really cool shows, the ones that have some element of the fantastical, never seem to last? Why do they lose out to the likes of So You Think You Can Dance, and one generic cop show after another? Thoughts, anyone?

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