Friday, January 22, 2010

Hope it doesn't suck...

Ah Friday…TGIF and all that.
Looking forward to a nice nowhere-near-long-enough weekend doing…well, I'm not sure yet. Something will turn up…

Following in the vein of the next to previous post…looks like one of the guys from a Stargate show as cast as the next Conan. To be honest, I'm a little bit unsure about the wisdom of remaking this film - Robert E. Howard is to me the iconic fantasy writer Little known and underappreciated in his time, it was only after his suicide that his influence was truly felt (what is it about artists not be recognized until they're dead, where among other things they don't have to be paid….) The gritty sword and sorcery setting of Hyboria provides a nice counterpoint to the mythic Middle-Earth of Tolkien, most of all in the realization that heroes don't have to be black or white when it comes to morality, that varying shades of grey work just as well, and are infinitely more fun to play around with.

So bringing this world to the screen always makes me a bit nervous, because if Hollywood is good at one thing, it's taking something that thrives best in a complex, nuanced atmosphere and boiling down into a bland, pasteurized good-guys-vs-bad-guys setting programmed for the lowest common denominator. The original Conan movie nicely skirted this dangerous trap (Conan the Destroyer not so much…if every print, video, and DVD of this embarrassment were to spontaneously combust across the world, there should be dancing in the streets…don't get me started on Red Sonja….)

Can the proverbial lightening strike twice? In other words, will it NOT suck?

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