I’ve always found good music to be quite conducive to the writing process. And for me, the heavier the better. Metal is to fantasy what rum is to Red Bull…not strictly necessary, but it kicks it up a notch…the cover art on most albums is itself a source of pure inspiration…
At the moment my subgenre of choice is stoner/doom metal, specifically the stuff that cae out of the Southern California scene during the mid to late nineties. The band that stands out above all others: Sleep, which deserve their own place in rock history for having the guts to make an album, “Dopesmoker,” (it’s called stoner metal for a reason…..) consisting of one song….70+ minutes long. The record company, lacking ANY imagination, rejected it out of hand, calling it unmarketable. Today it’s considered a classic. (After the inevitable breakup, member went on to form High on Fire…about which too much can never be said….)
Have a dose…what’s not to like?
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