If there's weakness that afflicts the fantasy genre, it is often a lack of imagination about setting. Growing up, I could have stacked a pile of books higher than head filled with stories set in deep green woods popultated by elves, ogres, orcs, yadda, yadda, yadda, all medieval pseudo-Arthurian BS that seems fun until you've been playing AD&D for few years, at which point you realize that it all seems the same, and is all so boring...
For real variety, sometimes you have step beyond your preconceptions, and have a look at something that isn't set in a medieval European folklore based world. Why not something set in a fantasy version of Rome, Or China? How about a fantastical Africa that never was? Try one of the books by Barry Huighart, set in a mythical version of China, one that is amazing, brilliant, and laugh out loud funny. Or Scott Bakker, whose world is based on Byzantine and Hellenistic themes. Eric Lustbader wrote a series a while back that is set in a distinctly Oriental world. Or go old school and read John Normans Gor series.
There's more out there than shining knights on horseback and magical elf queens, that's all I'm saying....
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