Just saw Prince of Persia at the local omniplex...and it was baaaad! And not I don't mean "baaad" as in awesome...but baaad as in "why the heck did I waste eight bucks and two hours of my life on this turd?"
I won't give any spoilers, just point out a few of the more egregious details.
First. Jake Gyllanhaal can't do a credible British accent. Which begs the question, why would they have British accents in the first place? Isn't this supposed to be taking place in ancient Persia?
The plot is a bunch of hackneyed tropes that seemed to have been culled from the bottom layer of bad fantasy movies. I used to think Dungeons & Dragons represented the nadir of that genre. Not any more.
Finally, I know there are people upset that a Persian actor wasn't cast in any of the major roles in this film. Having seen it, they might want to count their blessings. A benefit to anyones resume it is not.
Course that's just my opinion....