Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Happy Warrior

Not really a fantasy-related post...but it helps on days when I'm feeling down...

Character of the Happy Warrior
By William Wordsworth
WHO is the happy Warrior? Who is he
That every man in arms should wish to be?
--It is the generous Spirit, who, when brought
Among the tasks of real life, hath wrought
Upon the plan that pleased his boyish thought:
Whose high endeavours are an inward light
That makes the path before him always bright:
Who, with a natural instinct to discern
What knowledge can perform, is diligent to learn;
Abides by this resolve, and stops not there,                
But makes his moral being his prime care;
Who, doomed to go in company with Pain,
And Fear, and Bloodshed, miserable train!
Turns his necessity to glorious gain;
In face of these doth exercise a power
Which is our human nature's highest dower;
Controls them and subdues, transmutes, bereaves
Of their bad influence, and their good receives:
By objects, which might force the soul to abate
Her feeling, rendered more compassionate;                   
Is placable--because occasions rise
So often that demand such sacrifice;
More skilful in self-knowledge, even more pure,
As tempted more; more able to endure,
As more exposed to suffering and distress;
Thence, also, more alive to tenderness.
--'Tis he whose law is reason; who depends
Upon that law as on the best of friends;
Whence, in a state where men are tempted still
To evil for a guard against worse ill,                      
And what in quality or act is best
Doth seldom on a right foundation rest,
He labours good on good to fix, and owes
To virtue every triumph that he knows:
--Who, if he rise to station of command,
Rises by open means; and there will stand
On honourable terms, or else retire,
And in himself possess his own desire;
Who comprehends his trust, and to the same
Keeps faithful with a singleness of aim;                    
And therefore does not stoop, nor lie in wait
For wealth, or honours, or for worldly state;
Whom they must follow; on whose head must fall,
Like showers of manna, if they come at all:
Whose powers shed round him in the common strife,
Or mild concerns of ordinary life,
A constant influence, a peculiar grace;
But who, if he be called upon to face
Some awful moment to which Heaven has joined
Great issues, good or bad for human kind,                   
Is happy as a Lover; and attired
With sudden brightness, like a Man inspired;
And, through the heat of conflict, keeps the law
In calmness made, and sees what he foresaw;
Or if an unexpected call succeed,
Come when it will, is equal to the need:
--He who, though thus endued as with a sense
And faculty for storm and turbulence,
Is yet a Soul whose master-bias leans
To homefelt pleasures and to gentle scenes;                 
Sweet images! which, wheresoe'er he be,
Are at his heart; and such fidelity
It is his darling passion to approve;
More brave for this, that he hath much to love:--
'Tis, finally, the Man, who, lifted high,
Conspicuous object in a Nation's eye,
Or left unthought-of in obscurity,--
Who, with a toward or untoward lot,
Prosperous or adverse, to his wish or not--
Plays, in the many games of life, that one                  
Where what he most doth value must be won:
Whom neither shape of danger can dismay,
Nor thought of tender happiness betray;
Who, not content that former worth stand fast,
Looks forward, persevering to the last,
From well to better, daily self-surpast:
Who, whether praise of him must walk the earth
For ever, and to noble deeds give birth,
Or he must fall, to sleep without his fame,
And leave a dead unprofitable name--                        
Finds comfort in himself and in his cause;
And, while the mortal mist is gathering, draws
His breath in confidence of Heaven's applause:
This is the happy Warrior; this is He
That every Man in arms should wish to be.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Adopt a Direwolf

Seriously, Hollywood animals need their own union....


Fields of Fire is now up adn running on Smashwords and CreateSpace. Should be up and running on Amazon within the the next day...already amde a sale, BTW!!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Republishing announcement

Man, this is somewhat embarrassing...

Anyway, I've decided to rework the layout of my novel, change the cover, new title...everything, after some well-needed advice from Dave Dalglish...brilliant writer, BTW.

So...what was once known as THE STORM AT THE CENTER OF THE WORLD: BOOK ONE is NOW known by the even more awesome title (drum roll please....)

Book One of the Storm at the Center of the World

PLEASE NOTE: if you bought a copy of the earlier edition, do not be afraid! The main text is completely unchanged, it's still the same story! If bought one, hold onto it...might be worth something one of these days... Same brilliance with a new wrapper, in effect.

Anyway, the new version is now available for download at Smashwords. Print and Kindle versions should be available within the next few days...and please, do let me know if there are any problems! Indie authors could use any and all feedback...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The world belongs to those willing to hustle

Something that will interest any and all indie writers out there, male and female both looking to make it on their own in this cruel world, courtesy of the Art of Manliness...(cool title!)

"...the world belongs to hustlers."

Monday, April 19, 2010

Riverworld 2.0?

Didn't they already do this as a TV movie a few years back?


I always respected the hell outta LARP'ers...guys who not only love fantasy, but actually want to live it. At least one filmmaker felt the same way....check this.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Indie Writers

Repost from Kindeboards...

I hope there's a future for Indie authors...and I believe there will be. What's happening to the publishing industry now is similar to what happened with the music industry a decade ago. New technology allowed those who create art to bypass the traditional gatekeepers and middlemen, allowing them to take what they create directly to the people. What the mp3 was to the record companies, the ebook might very well be to the publishers.It's a new frontier out there.

The downside, of course, is that bypassing the middlemen also means bypassing their ability to market you. Being an indie author is like being in a punk band a couple of decades ago - everything is DIY. You not only have to write the book, but edit it, design the cover, weed out every typo and misspelled word, publish it...and most of all, promote it, all by your lonesome. I'm still figuring it out...but I don't regret not going the traditional route. Spending three years writing and editing a manuscript just so it can sit at the bottom of some editorial assistants slush pile doesn't seem to be all that productive.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sometimes it really is crap

You gotta love, for pointing out something that fantasy lovers are willing to overlook...when cover art is good, it's good. But when its bad....

Heres the link.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Comics without the Supes

I gotta confession to make…I love comic books, but I hate superheroes. I know, seems like a rock or a hard place kind of situation, but the end result is turning to alternative storylines outside of mutant with weird metal claws flying around in tights…at the moment its Buck Rogers. Yes, THAT Buck Rogers…Dynamite restarted it as a comic series and so far its pretty damn good. Another B-Movie icon, Flash Gordon, was put out by Ardden…all I can say is the artwork is really awesome…

Also, if you don't like superheros, then The Boys might be just what the doctor ordered....